Traits Inherited

There are quite a few traits in our family that are passed down through the generations.  Yesterday I posted about creativity and that is definitely one of them, however there are lots more.  One of the not-so-favorable ones is misspelling.

My mother is notorious for misspelling words as was her mother before her!  Part of the adventure of our many moves was trying to discern what mom had written on the sides of the boxes, where she had attempted to explain the contents.  Nana almost always was around to help pack and that made the adventure twice as complicated fun!

I have always prided myself on being able to spell, but as the Scriptures say, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Prov16:18).  Today I realized that since I started this blog, I've been spelling "Shepherd" as "Shephard".  So, I have spent most of the morning fixing my mistake.

The most humbling part about this mistake is that my mother told me the correct way to spell it when I called her to tell her I had created the blog.  I had "corrected" her and explained that, "No, mom, you spell it 'shephard'".  Bless her heart, she didn't argue with me at the time.  But, today I had to call her and tell her that she was right and I had been wrong.

All this to say:
  1. I'm sorry for any confusion it may have caused to those of you who had saved "Life with a ShephArd" in your favorites and will now have to delete it and save "Life with a ShephErd"
  2. Listen to your mom - even if you think you know better.  At least double check your spelling.

1 comment:

  1. You got to LOVE THIS!!
    FOr ONCE I spelled something right??!!
    Ginger Porter will be proud of me!!


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This morning at our house

I am a morning person.  I know, I know.....I'm an endangered species - rare, but beautiful (if I do say so myself, hehe).  I love mornin...