Like Salmon

This morning at our breakfast devotions we discussed laziness.  Not one of my favorite topics as it always makes me probe my own actions.  This wasn't what caught my attention this time, though.  In our devotion book, there is always an amazing fact given after the devotion that somehow ties in to the discussion.  This is what caught my attention and the Lord used it to speak to me.

"Pacific salmon travel as many as 1,000 miles - often upstream - scaling waterfalls ten feet high on their final journey to lay their eggs and then die."

As I am listening to Mom read this devotion today, my first impression is depressing.  "WHAT?! They did all that work - went all that way - just to die?!"  Yes, but first they gave life.  They had to swim all that way to give life - the purpose for their very existence.  Once their destiny was fulfilled, then they died.

As I thought this through, so many thoughts and scenarios filled my mind!  Wow.  How many of us still have breath in our lungs and yet wonder why we are still here?  Could it be that we haven't fulfilled our purpose?  Could it be that God has something far greater for us than what we feel right now?  This struggle that we're under, could it be the track that takes us to fulfill our ultimate destiny and finally find the peace that God has prepared for us - the peace of mind that comes from accomplishing what we were set to accomplish?

This makes me think of the situation Scott and I are in.  We left everything we knew and held dear and opportunities that were presenting themselves to go to South Carolina.  We didn't know for sure why, but we knew for sure that God had called us to move and so we did.  Three weeks after arriving, we understood what God had in mind.  My Dad had a heart attack right before church on a Sunday morning and it resulted in a triple bi-pass surgery.  He was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks before they allowed him to come home to a house full.  I was able to care for my small siblings while Mom cared for Dad in the hospital.  Scott was able to help with the food bank and other such church business while Dad has regained his strength.  But, after the main recovery was over, Scott and I wondered "What next?"  We had been here for 3 months and, after over 20 applications, Scott couldn't find sufficient work.  We began to ask God where He wanted us now.  We accomplished the purpose for why He sent us here, so now what?

We began looking at our options and found that the best possible options for our family were in Florida.  We have just returned from a short stay there and I am happy to report that Scott found a WONDERFUL job.  It is paying higher than we've ever had in our married life.  This in itself is a God thing, because if he had stayed at his old job in Florida and not followed God, it would have taken him 2 years of raises to get to this pay!  Because we followed God and are continuing to follow Him, we are able to get that raise after only 3 months.  Wow - the goodness of a loving God.

All this to say, God isn't finished altogether with us yet.  We know that while we still have breath and life we have a purpose.  We accomplished one and are still living, so on to the next!


  1. your post reminds me of a saying from a Disney film....Dory in "Finding Nemo" says "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" which also reminds me of a wonderful character trait that you have perserverance...remember our God supplies all your needs...maybe not your wants but definitely your needs!!

  2. I have to say that God also spoke to me through that devotion. How he reflects the story of the gift of life and the struggle his son went through to give us that eternal life!! It reminds me of the worship song, "Lord I'm AMAZED, by You and how you LOVE me!"

    I believe that is one of the things that I'm gonna miss most about you guys going, our morning breakfast family devotions! Any family that doesn't do this is missing some GREAT family time and GREAT insight from little kids that "see" what we (adults)are to calloused by the things of the world to see!!


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This morning at our house

I am a morning person.  I know, I know.....I'm an endangered species - rare, but beautiful (if I do say so myself, hehe).  I love mornin...