Things Lost

"Or what woman, if she has ten silver coins and loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search thoroughly until she finds it?" -Luke 15:8

This became tangible in our house this week. My husband, who NEVER looses anything, lost his wallet. We had been out all day on errands & he had used it at about every place we had been. However, the last place we'd been was Zaxby's (one of the best chicken restaurants EVER) drive thru & he had used his wallet there & we came strait home.

We knew it was either in the car or in the house. You'd think that would have made it easier, but it just made it more frustrating. We looked high & low for about 2 hours. My sister had come over & helped. We spent so long looking for it that she eventually had to leave because she was past her curfew!

My husband & I are very similar in that we both have a tendency to obsess over things that we can't find. Since it wasn't my wallet & I'd looked in every place twice that I could think of, I went to bed with the baby while Scott kept on lookin.

He finally found it. Just like the lady in the bible with the lost coin, he was so happy that he came in at 1am & woke me up to tell me that he'd found it in the car under the seat. He was happy as a lark & almost jumping for joy.

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way! I cannot stand to lose something and will search to no end to find it! I am loving your stories.


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