Tonight at 20Twenty

I've moved with my parents time and time again - from church family to church family.  I always thought it was just par for course in a pastor's life.  I never thought about how hard it must have been for my father to leave the "flock" he had led, fed, & comforted...until tonite.

Scott and I have been fasting and praying during these 21 days of Awakening and have felt that the Lord wants us to move on.  He had to tell his youth group tonight.  He had such a difficult time telling them - he had to take a minute to compose himself before his announcement.

These are OUR teens - OUR kids.  We love them so much.  We pray for them, councel them, praise them, teach them, love them.  Scott and I know that when God moves one shepherd, he sends another.  He never leaves the sheep to fend for themselves.  We know that ultimately our teens are really GOD'S.  We are leaving this ministry trusting God to provide and protect this ministry.

Sometimes following where God leads is difficult, but it is always rewarding.

So what's next for us?  We will be moving to South Carolina sometime around Valentine's Day.  We will be moving closer to my parents and helping them grow their ministry there.  We are convinced that God is moving us and has great plans for us there.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! Rachel I am so happy for you guys. Glad that you will be close to your parents once again. My prayers will be with you guys as you transition your family to a new place, a new house, and a new congregation.


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This morning at our house

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